
10-Minute Walk® Program

Trust for Public Land’s 10-Minute Walk® Program identifies, implements and scales impactful strategies to create equitable access to high quality parks and their myriad of benefits. Drawing on every aspect of Trust for Public Land’s expertise, we seek to build the civic and community environments and long-term investment in park equity. We generate policy recommendations and provide resources, guidance, and technical assistance to support locally-driven work.



of all sizes, across 49 states have made the 10-Minute Walk® Commitment



are participating in 10-Minute Walk®’s national and training network, Communities of Practice



are deeply engaged in targeted policy technical assistance through the Park Equity Accelerator

Cities are taking action

95 of the 100 most populous U.S. cities have adopted the 10-minute walk to park metric as a standard of park access in their planning, policy, and park system improvements.

10-Minute Walk Cities