
We are here to help

Find and download park resources by category below

  • 10-Minute Walk Webinars and Roundtables
    • Prioritizing Parks for People Mayors Roundtable - October 24, 2022 / Watch here
    • DCNR & TPL: Strategies to Advance Park Equity in Rural Areas - February 14, 2023 / Watch here
    • DCNR & TPL: Advancing Climate Resiliency in Pennsylvania - August 8, 2023 / Watch here
  • Overview of the 10-Minute Walk Community of Practice
    • Park Equity Workshops from Nov 2021 to Sept 2022 / Learn more
  • Recordings of 2022 Community of Practice Workshops
    • May 11, 2022: Increasing “Access” through a Holistic Lens / Watch here
    • July 13, 2022: The Power of Partnerships for Stronger Parks and Systems Changes / Watch here
    • September 14, 2022: Healthy and Resilient Communities: Long-Term Park Impacts / Watch here
  • Making the case for park equity
    • Equitable Recovery Report (TPL) / Learn More
    • Three ways U.S. cities are closing the park equity divide (TPL) / Learn More
    • 10 Principles for Enhancing Equitable Access to Parks (ULI) / Learn More
    • Understanding Equity in Parks and Recreation (NRPA) / Learn More
    • NRPA Equity Language Guide (NRPA) / Learn More
  • Making the Case: Social Cohesion & Community Engagement
    • Ten ways parks can foster more welcoming communities (TPL) / Learn More
    • Adaptive Public Spaces: Place for People in the Pandemic and Beyond (Gehl and The Knight Foundation) / Learn More
    • Community Engagement Resource Guide (NRPA) / Learn More
  • Making the Case: Public Health
    • The Health Benefits of Parks (TPL) / Learn More
    • Inclusive, Healthy Places (Gehl People) / Learn More
  • Making the Case: Climate and Environmental Resilience
    • The Power of Parks to Address Climate Change (TPL) / Learn More
    • The Heat is On - Special Report (TPL) / Learn More
    • Parks as a Solution to Climate Change (NRPA) / Learn More
    • Great Urban Parks Campaign Resources (NRPA) / Learn More
    • Climate Resilient Conservation on Atlanta’s West Side (US Nature 4 Climate) / Learn More
  • Making the Case: Safe Routes to Parks & Connectivity
    • Why Safe Routes to Parks: Stories, Data, and Resources to Illustrate the Mission (Safe Routes Partnership) / Learn More
  • Making the Case: Community Schoolyards & Joint Use
    • TPL’s Community Schoolyards Initiative (TPL) / Learn More
  • Making the Case: Parks Supporting Development Goals
    • Why Developers and Land Use Professionals Are Championing U.S. Parks (ULI) / Learn More
    • Quality of Life and Place as Economic Development (Reimagining the Civic Commons) / Learn More
  • 2022-2023 - Community Engagement for Lasting Impact: Exchange best practices and opportunities for conducting meaningful, equitable community engagement and gain tools to apply in your community.
    • November 10, 2022: What does engagement look like? / Watch here
    • December 8, 2022: Where to start: initial outreach / Watch here
    • January 19, 2023: Optional Session - Park Listeners Program / Watch here
    • February 9, 2023: Building relationships between communities / Watch here
    • April 13, 2023: Engaging with diverse community identities / Watch here
    • June 8, 2023: Building community power / Watch here
  • Recordings of 2022 Community of Practice Workshops
    • March 9, 2022: Centering Community in Parks Decision-Making / Watch here
  • Toolkits
    • The Toolkit for Health, Arts, Parks, and Equity (HAP-E) (TPL) / Learn More
    • Field Guide for Creative Placemaking and Parks (TPL) / Learn More
    • IAP2’s Public Participation Spectrum (IAP2) / Learn More
    • Public Engagement Guide (Pittsburgh, PA) / Learn More
    • Community First Toolkit (High Line) / Learn More
  • 10-Minute Walk Webinars and Roundtables
    • DCNR & TPL: How to Approach Equitable Parks Planning - September 12, 2023 / Watch here
  • 2022-2023 - Developer Park Partnership Strategies
    • November 9, 2022: What are the current conditions of private parks in your city? / Watch here
    • January 11, 2023: When is a private park public? A discussion of public access & equity considerations. / Watch here
  • 2022-2023 - Park Qualities Incubator: Discuss and co-develop new approaches to measuring park experience types (e.g. natural areas, recreational activities, and social gathering areas) as a next step towards building park quality attributes for use in equity and impact analyses.
    • November 16, 2022: Framework - Linking park experience types and health outcomes
    • December 14, 2022: Framework - Translating concepts to metrics and action / Watch here
    • January 18, 2023: Workshop: Review 2 or 3 new mapping approaches developed from the first two sessions / Watch here
    • March 15, 2023: Workshop: Review revised approaches and open review period for participants / Watch here
    • April 19, 2023: Beyond experiences – Exploring additional approaches to park quality metrics / Watch here
  • Assess Park Quality
    • Characteristics of High-Quality Parks (ULI) / Learn more
    • Park Equity Communities of Practice Park Qualities: Mapping Park Experience Types / Learn more
    • Complete Parks Indicators: A Systems Approach to Assessing Parks (ChangeLab) / Learn more
    • Comprehensive Community Assessment Tools (County Health Rankings & Roadmaps) / Learn more
  • 10-Minute Walk Webinars and Roundtables
    • Park Bench Chat: The Policy Roadmap to Parks for All - April 12, 2023 / Watch here
    • Park Bench Chat: Greenspace Policy to Advance Health Equity - June 21, 2023 / Watch here
    • Park Bench Chat: Park Development as Equitable Development - August 23, 2023 / Watch here
  • 10-Minute Walk Policy Recommendations
    • Key Park Equity Policies: Toward a 10-Minute Walk Park Equity Policy Framework / Learn More
  • Policy Examples and Tools: Park Access & Equity
    • 10-Minute Walk & Park Equity Policy: CityHealth Greenspace Policy Package and Awards Program (CityHealth) / Learn More
  • Policy Examples and Tools: Community Engagement
    • Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Community Engagement Policy (Minneapolis, MN) / Learn More
  • Policy Examples and Tools: Safe Routes to Parks & Connectivity
    • Safe Routes to Parks Action Framework (SRTP) / Learn More
  • Policy Examples and Tools: Community Schoolyards & Joint Use
    • How to Create a Community Schoolyard. A Community Schoolyards ™ Toolkit (TPL) / Learn More
    • Model Joint Use Agreement Resources (ChangeLab Solutions) / Learn More
  • Policy Examples and Tools: Vacant & Non-Traditional Land for Parks
    • Vacant Land Keys to Success: Lessons from the Field (CCP) / Learn More
  • 10-Minute Walk Webinars and Roundtables
    • Park Bench Chat: Federal Funding for Achieving Park Equity - January 10, 2023 / Watch here
    • Park Bench Chat: Creatively Using Federal Funding for Parks - April 5, 2023 / Watch here
    • DCNR & TPL: From Data to Funding: Accelerating 10-Minute Walk in PA - May 9, 2023 / Watch here
  • 2022-2023 - Developer Park Partnership Strategies
    • Mar 8, 2023 – How can cities leverage developer requirements to increase park access and narrow the park equity gap? / Watch here
  • Investing in Parks & Understanding the Funding Landscape
    • Investing in Equitable Urban Park Systems (Urban Institute) / Learn More
    • Investing in Equitable Park Systems: Case Studies & Recommendations (City Parks Alliance) / Learn More
  • Creating Local Funding Sources
    • TPL Conservation Financing Services (TPL) / Learn More
  • Local, State and Federal Funding
    • Preserve Pennsylvania: Local, State and Federal Funding for Parks and Open Space / Learn More
    • Fundamentals of Funding for Local Parks and Greenspace / Learn More